Ensuring a Smooth Transition
Pediatric Specialty Care coordinates all the steps required for a smooth transition including:
- Individual transportation for initial family tours
- On-site evaluations
- Assistance in obtaining insurance authorization
- Ongoing communication with discharging facility or primary care physician for continuity of care
- Coordination of all supplies, durable medical equipment, and medications
- Family training to continue with discharge planning
- Ongoing support to assist with transition
Pediatric Specialty Care will coordinate an on-site assessment immediately for all referrals.
During on-site assessment, your child must be stabilized to the point that acute care is NOT medically necessary. Each child is thoroughly evaluated, with focus on the following criteria:
- Medical stability
- Rehabilitation goals
- Medical history
- Activities of daily living
- Equipment needs
- Functioning levels
- Educational needs
*Note: The support of your child’s primary care physician is necessary when admitting directly from home.